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contoh kalimat bercampur aduk

"bercampur aduk" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • The... data in my brain is jumbled today.
    Data di otakku saat ini sudah bercampur aduk.
  • I'm trying to fucking blend in here, man.
    Aku mencoba bercampur aduk di sini, Bung.
  • Interactions between Basque whalers and Icelanders were mixed.
    Interaksi antara penangkap paus Basque dan Islandia bercampur aduk.
  • Matthew we live in a crazy, mixed-up world.
    Matthew... Kita hidup bercampur aduk di dunia yang gila ini.
  • With all those lives mixing' together... it gets kinda scary.
    Dengan semua kehidupan itu bercampur aduk... semakin menakutkan.
  • Sometimes the spirits, they get things jumbled.
    Dan terkadang roh, mereka bercampur aduk.
  • Buck up, and otherwise go mingle.
    HOOK UP DAN SEBALIKNYA bercampur aduk!
  • It was all a jumble of sensations.
    Tadi itu sensasi bercampur aduk.
  • So many mixed emotions right now.
    Sekarang begitu banyak emosi bercampur aduk.
  • Oh, she's gonna be so mixed up now... oh, terribly afraid.
    Oh, perasaannya akan bercampur aduk sekarang... oh, sangat takut.
  • Duncan's book is just a big jumble.
    Buku Duncan benar-benar bercampur aduk.
  • Something stirred inside me and I had to stop and weep.
    Sesuatu bercampur aduk dalam diriku dan aku harus hentikan dan menangis.
  • You may have mixed feeling about attacking members of the royal family
    Perasaan kalian mungkin bercampur aduk karena harus menyerang keluarga kerajaan, aku mengerti.
  • The numbering is a bit confused, as if the rooms are all jumbled up.
    Urutan nomor di sini membingungkan, seolah semua ruangan bercampur aduk.
  • And there was a ton of homeless people in there, stirring shit around.
    Dan ada satu ton tunawisma di sana, - bercampur aduk di sekelilingnya.
  • The trouble starts when you shave the truth and it just gets all twisted up.
    Masalah berawal saat kau mengikis kebenaran dan semuanya menjadi bercampur aduk.
  • I think his mind is scrambling together details from his life the way you do when you're dreaming.
    Mungkin fikirannya bercampur aduk dengan kenyataan sama halnya ketika kau sedang bermimpi.
  • Hanna, whatever she stirred up inside of you is not gonna go away even, if she leaves.
    Hanna, apapun yang sudah bercampur aduk didalam pikiranmu itu tidak akan pernah hilang, meski ia pergi.
  • But the dance of good and evil could become jumbled, and the manipulation itself becomes the most important thing.
    Tapi kebaikan dan kejahatan itu bisa bercampur aduk dan manipulasi itu sendiri menjadi hal yang paling penting.
  • A wide interest was felt in this great movement, although it was regarded with mingled feelings by the spectators.
    Berbagai minat dirasakan dalam gerakan besar, meskipun hal itu dipandang dengan perasaan bercampur aduk oleh para penonton.
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